The Original Prairie Schooner

Almost ten years ago Anna Garvey came up with a term that actually describes my generation, wedged between the Gen-Xers and the Millennials: the Oregon Trail Generation.

Any true member of the Oregon Trail Generation knows how foolhardy it is to ford the Big Blue River.

I knew all about caulking my digital wagon and hunting bears with the arrow keys, and I even asked my doctor how one gets dysentery. Imagine my surprise, then, when I went to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford last week, and discovered that the Conestoga wagon was not in fact the product of American ingenuity and pioneer spirit, but rather a feature of Bronze Age Syria:

Model of a covered wagon, ca. 2000 BCE. Ceramic; 15 x 19 cm. Ashmolean AN1913.183,

I can only assume this is what the Amorites used to migrate into southern Mesopotamia.