New article on Sogdian rhyta

Rhyton in the form of a Saiga antelope head, Sasanian, ca. 5th–6th century A.D. Silver-gilt, 11.1 x 7.09 in. (28.19 x 18.01 cm). Rogers Fund, 1947. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 47.100.82.

I am happy to report that my friend and former Met colleague Betty Hensellek has just published a wonderful article entitled “A Sogdian Drinking Game at Panjikent” (Iranian Studies 52, 837-857). Betty argues that the banqueting murals from Panjikent illustrate a drinking game involving rhyta, and that the relative success of the participants is indicated by the manner in which they wear their kaftans. It is an ingenious study of social history, drinking vessels (including the Saiga antelope head’s rhyton at the Met, pictured above) and modes of dress, and I highly recommend it!